how it works

Namasté offers incredible membership packages to keep you motivated and on track with your yoga practice.

At our studio, you never have to lock and load to a specific day, time or class. All classes are open all the time, so we work with your schedule, not the other way around! You can choose any class you'd like to attend at any time. There's no pre-registration required.

new clients

Start with 2 weeks of unlimited yoga for just $1!

Click here for more details

Let us show you the incredible benefits of yoga with an amazing deal! If you decide that Namaste is not for you, cancel anytime during the two week trial by sending an email to If you do not cancel during the trial, you will automatically start one of the memberships you choose below:

ongoing memberships

- 2 classes per week for $22 a week --
3 month / 12 week commitment
- Unlimited classes per week for $32 a week --
3 months / 12 week commitment
- Unlimited classes per week for $42 a week --
1 month / 4 week commitment

- Memberships are billed weekly and automatically renew at the end of your commitment
- To cancel after your initial commitment period, notify us two weeks in advance via email
- To place your membership on hold for a week (allowed once per 4 week period), notify us 7 days in advance via email
- To change to a different membership level, notify us 7 days in advance via email

also available

- Single class for $20
- One class a week membership for $15 per week
- And for those who don't want to commit to a membership, a long term / family package: 10 classes valid for 3 months for $165

gift certificates

We also offer gift certificates for our any dollar value you designate. We have a few ways to help you with your purchase.... You can purchase online and the gift certificate will be emailed to you or the recipient, you can come into the studio to purchase, or we can take your information over the phone and email the certificate to you or the recipient.
Click here to purchase gift certificates